• The cost is a casual rate of $25 per family per session. So you do not pay if you are away or absent and one family cost for all siblings

  • All ages, from babies to homeschoolers.

    However, Billy Buttons is best suited for younger children and the Forest Folk Fridays has generally older children from 5 and up.

    I always say that when they can walk is best as they can engage with the environment, however some mothers come with their babies in arms and get a lot out of it too. I suggest just giving it a try.

  • Send me your info and session interest through the contact page and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Yes, we do. I think it's an important aspect in connecting to our environment in being in nature throughout the seasons. And you can unexpectedly find joy in the seasons you may not have previously connected with. However, in case of extreme weather such as high winds and high temperatures I will cancel for everyone's safety and sake.